Hi, my name is Gullas. I have been teaching here since 2023. I love listening to music. I like singi...
Hello everyone! I am Pelipper, a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education from the University of...
Good day, everyone. I am Verdida, a graduate of Bachelor in Physical Education from Eastern Visayas ...
Hi! It’s me, teacher Alkeev! I’ve been teaching here since 2023. I’ve always been passionate about t...
Hi! I’m teacher Whitehill! I live in the Philippines where English is spoken by lots of people. I ha...
As John Dewey said, "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." Good day, ...
Since my childhood, I have always loved reading and writing and it has always been my dream to share...
"“Learning to know, learning how, and learning to be: English Education as a bridge to foster relati...
Hi! It's me Teacher Purcell. I have a bachelor's degree in Education and have experience in teaching...
Good day everyone. I am Miss Whimbrel. I like to try something new and explore more things as it hel...